January 13, 2013

It's Over, But Not For Long

The winter holiday season has ended. We need some new directions. Let say that whatever happened during the holiday season will stay in the holiday season.

 And we were waiting for so long for the holidays to come.

 Of course, there was a lot of food.

Some of which we now regret.

I personally will devote more attention to fruits and vegetables.

And physical exercises.

 Yes, the extreme season is over.

 It's time to put your favorite sweaters away.

And think about an exciting new outfit.

A new haircut wouldn't hurt.

I completely forgot - Valentine's Day is coming up.

We'll have reasons to buy new shoes.

My husband said, fat chance, because I already bought something for Christmas.

The winter holiday season is over, but we don't lose hope. There are many holidays ahead of us.

Most of these photos were found on the Internet.


  1. Very funny! Welcome back, Olga. We have missed you. Loved that photo of Mr Darcy (the sweater was ugly, but he certainly looks great...) Good luck with your New Year resolutions... Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  2. Back with a bang.....I great post to wake up to.

  3. Hello Olga:
    This is a hugely fun post in 'celebration' of the end of the holiday period. But you are right, this is no time for regret for ahead there lie all kinds of new adventures and holidays yet to come.

    We send you our warmest wishes for a peaceful and joyous 2013.

  4. lol I love the Christmas tree full of goodies. What a display!
    And the golden shoe is very interesting.
    And I love the little girl with the knitted stockings which double at the ankle.
    I could use a pair like that. lol
    Happy New Year Olga!

  5. What a fun series of photos! A good way to start the new year.

  6. Hahaha! Such a fun post.... I love your sense of humour :-)
    Onwards and upwards after the festive fun...

  7. This is funny, Olga! Surprisingly, my mind is still in holiday mode until you mentioned Valentine's Day! OH NOOOO :P

  8. Hello Olga,
    I loved the series of photos!
    Like much of his eclectic style, the theme of freedom and the quality of their work.
    A big hug, a year of new achievements and peace!

  9. Such a great post dear Olga, I love the photos and your words.
    xoxoxo ♡

  10. Прикольные снимки! Такие праздничные-праздничные. :-)

  11. Good series of photos :))
    Now to wait for the upcoming holiday season, with less cold Olga.
    a kiss

  12. haha fun post! Okay back to reality have to change a battery. =)

  13. whoa those were epic christmas sweaters i think! happy new year!

  14. wow....roll on next christmas.....we're waiting for the snow here in London!!

  15. I just love that photo of the donkey pinching the snowman's nose, wonderful. Casablanca did nothing for my weight over the holidays. We have a big luncheon tomorrow and then I have promised myself I will eat sensibly and get back to normal! Take care Diane

  16. Great post, I agree with all....teehee made me smile!!!

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