February 20, 2012

Moments of Life

While the colours of my walls are still whimsical, I've decided to use them in the most effective way.

The photos below are from places within a five-minute walk from my house. It's not High Park, but Lake Ontario can also surprise and delight me.

This year, there were only a few snow days. The snow didn't stay too long, so, I had to hurry up in order to capture it.

I practically have no time to visit downtown. However, when I do get the chance, I like to take a note of architectural curiosities.

Deniska has completely adapted to the new space. He feels like the king of the world. This is one of his favourite spots for observation:

 And here is a photo I took just a couple of minutes ago. Let's call it "photo of the day":

I hope you are all doing well. I have missed you all, and really enjoy checking up on your blogs in my spare moments.


  1. Thank you for visiting my blog, and your photographs are beautiful.

  2. Hi Olga, Nice to see you back. I'm glado to see you enjoy your new ssurroundings. Greetings,

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ольга, какое великолпное место для проживания ты выбрала!!! А Дениска для осмотра владений. И, конечно же, я в полном экстазе от зеленого цвета твоих стен ))

  5. Gosh you always take the most awesomest photos. Is that a word? I always thoroughly enjoy visiting your blog. And wow! Your new view from your new area is breathtaking! I love the one with your beautiful painting and your adorable chat. Have a nice week. =)

  6. I so look forward to catching up on your blog when I can. I love the photo of the swan in particular which is absolutely stunning. The photos remind me of a very happy holiday in Ontario at the start of 1996.

  7. Hello Olga,
    my favorite is the flowers, green and violet.
    Very beautiful pictures!
    A hug

  8. Hello Olga, I wish you much happiness in your new home. So glad that Dennis has settled in. You do have rather a lot of colourful walls to deal with, but in time all will be as you like it. Your photos of the lake are wonderful, especially the swan. Good news that your friend lives close by too. Have a great week, it's good to catch up with you, love Linda x

  9. Olga excellent photos!!!bravo!!!especially the tree, the swan , the cat,the iris flowers and the red-black house! I wish you much happiness in your new home. Kisses from Greece.

  10. Bonjour Olga. Welcome back. We have missed you too. I am glad you stopped by chez French Girl today and left a comment. Well, what can I say? I think I really like your new neighborhood. Snow or not, the lake shore is simply gorgeous. Your cat seems to agree with me. He has adapted to his new home rather quickly. A bientôt, Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  11. Beautiful photographs of your new surrounds dear Olga. I love the irises, the one of Deniska at the top of the stairs, the black and red building is interesting. If there is something beautiful and unusual to photograph I know you will find it and I look forward to your new pictures and posts.
    Thank you for visiting my blog, I need my friends at present.
    A hug
    xoxoxo ♡

  12. Olga! These photos are stunning. We've barely had a little sleet here in Texas so the photos of snow are very lovely. Glad to see Deniska has find a wonderful spot to keep an eye out on things.

  13. That purple and green is so magnificent! Olga, you're turning me into a color junkie here, and I'm not interested in kicking the habit. :)

  14. Lovely pictures, the swan is wonderful and your cat is so cute.

  15. I love in particular the first picture-they must smell lovely
    here we had a very cold winter with not too much snow, comparing to last year, I hope it is almost gone:)

    Life and travelling

  16. Look at that winter light. Amazing. I'm so glad Deniska has settled in. It's always a worry...

  17. Hi,Olga.
    I am so glad to be able to see your photos today. Those lakes are Ontario lake? They are so beautiful and that swan is so lovely. You captured a great shot.I like all of your photos,especially the dancing swan,
    " photo of the day" and the strawberries in a yellow bowl are my favorite.

    Thank you Olga. I am hoping you are doing well too!
    Have a good day.

    Tomoko,with smile.

  18. Hi Olga, a lovely selection of photos. I have certainly posted more snow photos on my blogs than you have this year!

  19. Love 'photo of the day'! The others are a wonderful contrast of coolness and serenity against industrial scenes. Thank you for sharing. Did your move go well and are you settled?

  20. Hi Olga, I found your blog and seen your pictures. I liked them.
    I'll be back to continue watching and reading your blog.
    Greetings from Spain

  21. Oh, you seem so happy in your new house!

  22. Love your photos especially the architectural structures...
    your shots make them look more interesting and stunning.

  23. Here too the snow fell this year only snowed one day. We have very cold.
    Very good strawberries have left us. Olga :))

  24. Your photos are always stunning. I could just meditate a while just looking at the photo of the lonely pine tree near the bench in the snow, but then I could meditate on any of your pictures.

  25. Happy Cat, Happy Life!
    Love that shot X

    Best, Nic - makespace

  26. Really! This is a precious images. :) I've been missing a while. I love looking back at your blog

  27. Hello my dear friend! Finally my Easter "break" has begun, though plenty for me to do in the next fortnight to prepare for year end at college. How I have missed your blogs, and will enjoy reading them over the next 2 weeks. This one is very cold (we are well into spring here, and enjoying mid-20 degree Celsius weather).

    I am still giggling over a comment you left on Froggy's blog about Deniska thinking small children were just bigger cats :D and the photo of him, in his new vantage point, is wonderful. I can see he is under one of your amazing paintings.

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